Saturday, July 27, 2019

Management Info Systems Individual Work wk6 Essay

Management Info Systems Individual Work wk6 - Essay Example Walmart have improved its data communication system to suppliers by adding various customized webs from where customers can access better and efficient services. For instance, Procter &Gamble, and Warner-Lambert websites (Bidgoli, 2002). The primary goal is to lower prices and enhance the level of customer services with the suppliers and general customers. Walmart has also engaged a web-based access system where providers can access updates and essential information about significant developments in the company. This will reduce the cost of transportation and enhance the flow of information from one supply to another. The web-based access system will also enable suppliers to reach potential customers with much ease hence more sales and general profitability of Walmart Company. Through the various data application programs, Walmart and its supplier will have a better communication hence increased efficiency in service delivery (Bidgoli, 2002). Different data communication application are in use in Walmart Company. Such application includes; customized websites for their suppliers, Web-based access application, Wireless technology application, vehicle management systems, and two-way text messaging application and security system applications (Bidgoli, 2002). Each application is designed to enhance service in a particular area within the industry. For instance, the security system applications are designed to improve supplier’s safety and protect providers from accessing each other supplier’s data. This gives them confidence to explore in diverse areas and take extra supply measures without fear that their counterparts may interfere with them. The two-way text messaging system ensures that material handling resources are directed to the locations where they serve the best. This enhances productivity and reduces material wastage. Web-based applications on the other hand ensures that suppliers can transact

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