Friday, July 19, 2019

Abortion is Unethical Essay -- The Right to Life, Pro-Life Essays

Over 46 million abortions are performed worldwide each year. Today, 11,000 frozen human embryos are stored in Australia alone. Human embryos are being killed in experiments and tossed out into the trash like moldy food in your refrigerator. Euthanasia has become legal and practiced in many countries, as well as the death penalty where there have even been cases of innocent people put to death. Taking birth control pills is becoming as common as popping in some Tylenol for a headache and handing out condoms in school is like handing out candy. One out of every ten U.S. teenaged girls becomes pregnant every year and fourteen thousand of those girls are under the age of fourteen (National Research Council, Risking the Future: Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Childbearing, p. 507). Divorce, aggression, abuse and unhappiness are on the rise. We are turning our society into a culture of death, where human life is being disregarded and disrespected. The superior natur al right that each human being possesses, the right to life, is so often being violated. How do we keep ourselves from falling totally down the slope of death and destruction? How far will we go before we speak out to put an end to it? Will we go as far as human cloning as a normal practice, because the path we are heading on now is definitely leaning in that direction? This is an intricate and complicated problem that we find ourselves in, but I think, as for every problem, we need to seek its roots in order to fix it. I believe that one of the roots of this culture of death is the common use and acceptance of artificial contraception. I would not only like to argue its immorality from a religious standpoint but also from a purely ethical view a... ...gainst the use of artificial contraceptives I feel are convincing enough to condemn artificial contraception as morally and intrinsically wrong. The Catholic Church teaches that because it is abortive in some cases, unnatural, and takes God out of the act of love, it is a sin. From an ethical standpoint, because it goes against nature and disrupts the two purposes of sex, intimacy and procreation, artificial contraception is morally wrong. To view artificial contraception this way would be a huge step in respecting human life and above all, the right to life of all human beings no matter what stage in development that human being might be in. Let us put an end to murdering our future generation and start taking responsibility for our actions. Works Cited National Research Council, Risking the Future: Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Childbearing, p. 507

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