Monday, July 22, 2019

Human vs. Other Organisms Essay Example for Free

Human vs. Other Organisms Essay Horse3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Donkey3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Common zebra3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Pig, cow, sheep3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Dog3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Gray whale3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Rabbit3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Kangaroo3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Chicken, turkey3: Isoleucine, Valine, Glutamine Penguin4: Isoleucine, Valine, Glutamine, 0 Pekin duck2: Valine, Glutamine Snapping turtle3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Rattlesnake4: Serine, Glycine, Threonine Bullfrog4: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine, Cysteine Tuna4: Alanine, Valine, Glutamine, Asparagine Screwfly fly5: Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine Silkworm moth8: Asparagine, Alanine, Asparagine, Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine, Alanine Tomato horn worm9: Asparagine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Asparagine, Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine, Alanine Wheat10: Asparagine, Proline, Aspartic acid, Alanine, Alanine, Lysine, Threonine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Alanine Rice9: Asparagine, Proline, Lysine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Lysine, Threonine, Alanine, Aspartic acid Baker’s Yeast11: Serine, Alanine, Lysine, Alanine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Glutamic acid, Leucine Candida Yeast13: Serine, Alanine, Lysine, Alanine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Isoleucine, Alanine Neurospora14: Serine, Lysine, Alanine, Asparagine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Glycine Reflection Questions: Summarize your amino acid comparison in paragraph form. To guide your summary, reflect on the following questions. 1.What does it mean when scientists say that living organisms share a universal genetic code? It means that all extinct organisms have all the same genetic code. 2.How does a universal genetic code relate to the hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth? The near-universal genetic code is that all extant things share some type of common ancestor. 3.How are self-replicating molecules, such as RNA molecules in the â€Å"RNA World† hypothesis, essential to the most popular hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth? They reproduce, and could have been formed through abiotic chemistry on the early Earth. 4.How might similarities and differences in genetic codes, or the proteins built as a result of these codes, be used to determine how closely related different species are? The more alike the letters are in a species, the more recent the ancestor was. If the ancestor was recent then the more alike the two different species will be. 5.Based on the amino acid sequence data for the Cytochome-C protein, chimpanzees and humans share an identical coding sequence. What other species identified on the chart has a coding sequence that is most closely related to the humans and chimpanzees and most distantly related? Explain your answer

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